At Forefield Juniors, we believe that wearing a school uniform helps our pupils feel a sense of identity and belonging, as well as encouraging a co-operative spirit within our school. It also reduces the need to keep up with changing fashions.

Please note: While some items of uniform are still available from the school office, our main suppliers are Paul’s Place and Stitch Design.

School Uniform

  • Royal blue V-neck school pullover (with or without school logo)
  • Grey tailored trousers, shorts, pinafore or skirt
  • White shirt and school tie
  • Grey socks
  • Black school shoes (not trainers or boots)

Summer options:

  • White polo shirt (with or without school logo)
  • Blue gingham dress

PE/Games Kit

In order to eliminate time spent changing and maximise time spent in physical activity, children should wear their games kit to school on the days they have games/indoor PE.

Games Kit:

  • Navy or black shorts
  • Plain white t-shirt or polo shirt
  • short socks
  • trainers

A navy jogging suit may be worn over games kit on cold days.

For indoor PE,  children usually have bare feet, but may wear pumps if they wish.

Swimming Kit

  • One-piece swimsuit or swimming trunks (not shorts)
  • Swimming cap
  • Towel

Please note: No jewellery should be worn in school, with the exception of watches and plain stud earrings, which must be removed during Games, PE and Swimming lessons.

Nail polish and make-up of any kind is not to be worn.

Children must have a hairstyle that is neat and tidy. It must not be in a fashion that draws undue notice or attention to the child. For safety reasons, hair below shoulder length should be tied back.

Uniform Ordering Information

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