PE - Physical Education
Subject Leader - Miss Cain
As a school, Forefield Junior School is committed to PE and Sport, we have developed our vision for PE and school sport around five key targets, as we believe these give our children the best chance of succeeding in physical education.
- All children will have the OPPORTUNITY to partake in a variety of physical and sporting activities of their choosing both during PE lessons and in extra-curricular clubs.
- All children will be encouraged to experience healthy competition against their peers and will be taught the value of competing against themselves by setting SMART (specific, motivational, attainable, realistic and timed) targets in areas of their choosing.
- All children will improve their DETERMINATION, sportsmanship and resilience through organised competitions in which their teacher will model how to respond when winning and losing.
- All children will have the ability to make appropriate, life-long choices about living a healthy and active lifestyle.
- All children will leave Forefield Junior School physically literate. They will have a deep understanding of how their body works and how to improve the core areas of health, fitness and mobility.
We also believe it is paramount that children understand the link between exercise, physical literacy and educational success. Those children who participate more regularly in sport and physical activity have greater levels of concentration and improved communication skills.
Physical Education Curriculum
Autumn Term |
Spring Term |
Summer Term |
Year 3 |
Netball Rugby Football |
Hockey Cricket |
Tennis Athletics |
Plus one term per class of each of the following:
Year 4 |
Netball Hockey |
Rugby Cricket |
Tennis Rounders Athletics |
Plus one term per class of each of the following:
Year 5 |
Netball Rugby |
Hockey Cricket |
Tennis Rounders Athletics |
Plus one term per class of each of the following:
Year 6 |
Netball Hockey |
Rugby Cricket |
Tennis Rounders Athletics |
Plus one term per class of each of the following: