School Admissions Procedure

Sefton Council coordinates all applications for school places for all schools for children resident in Sefton (except for Special Schools and Independent Schools). Every child in Forefield Infant School is automatically allocated a place in the Junior School. Parents who move into or within Sefton and require a school place outside of the normal transfer times should apply for a school place by contacting Sefton Council's In-Year Admissions Team on 0151 934 3590 or by e-mail to

Over-subscription Criteria

In the event of the number of applications exceeding the number of places available, the Governors have approved the following criteria for admission:

  • First Priority - Children who are in public care when preferences are expressed and who are expected to be still in public care when admitted to school.
  • Second Priority - Children who have a sibling living in the same house who already attend the school provided that they will still be in attendance at the school in the September of the year of admission.
  • Third Priority - Other requests that name the school as a preference. Priority will be given to those living closest to the school.

Parents are reminded that their position on any waiting list could change if, for example, families move closer to our school and therefore have a higher priority to a place. Parents who are refused admission to our school have a right to appeal. Details of appeals procedure may be obtained from the Education Department, Town Hall, Bootle L20 7AE.

Visiting the School

Parents considering sending their child to our school are welcome to visit at a mutually convenient time. Please contact us if you wish to arrange a visit.

Sefton School Admissions Documents

Further information regarding school admissions can be found on Sefton Council's website.

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