
Subject Leader - Miss Berry

At Forefield Junior School, Computing is taught with the intent of providing pupils with the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding needed in a changing digital world. Computing lessons are taught discretely, but reinforced through other curriculum areas particularly in English, Maths, Science and Design Technology. Online safety is not only taught throughout the computing curriculum but is also delivered through PSHE lessons and other curriculum subjects, in all year groups, at age appropriate levels.

Our aim is for children to be digitally literate so that they can use, express themselves and develop ideas through information and communication technology at a level suitable for their future. Our curriculum has been designed using a wide range of resources to fully impact on all aspects of learning. In addition, several subscription websites are also used to encourage home-learning across the curriculum: TT Rock Stars,, Lexia, Rapid Reading and Ready Theory. Indeed, pupils are actively encouraged to practise and refine the skills they have been taught through home-learning as many pupils have access to similar software at home and programming software (Scratch, Sketch Nation and Swift Playgrounds) are free downloads.

We have subscribed to an Online Safety Newsletter, which is sent out to parents monthly via Seesaw and is available as a hard copy in our school office. This newsletter provides the most up-to-date information regarding current Online Safety issues affecting our pupils today and excellent advice for how we can all keep our children safe online.

In year 6, we are fortunate enough to have Everton in the Community come in to teach some of our Computing lessons as part of our Computer Science topics, here is the website to have a look at what they will be getting up to: 


Computing Curriculum


Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Year 3

Digital Literacy:
My Online Life - E-Safety

Information Technology:
Online Detectives - Advanced Internet Searching

Information Technology:
Be Digitally Awesome - Microsoft Office Skills

Computer Science:
Dancing Robot - Scratch Jr
Programming with Robots - Creating Algorithms

Year 4

Digital Literacy:
My Online Life - E-Safety

Information Technology:
Endagered Animals - Producing Publications

Computer Science:
Hour of Code - Writing Algorithms to Animate

Information Technology:
Fake or Real? - Advanced Internet Searching

Information Technology:
Dinosaurs - Stop-motion Animation

Computer Science:
Create a game using Scratch

Year 5

Information Technology:
Computer Systems and Networks
Video Production

Computer Science:
Everton in the Community Project

Information Technology:
Making AR Games

Digital Literacy:
My Online Life - E-Safety

Computer Science Project

Year 6

Information Technology:
Computer Systems and Networks -
Communication and Collaboration
Web Page Production

Computer Science:
Everton in the Community Project

Digital Literacy:
My Online Life - E-Safety

Information Technology:
Data and Information - Introduction to Spreadsheets

Computer Science Project

Computing Documents



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