RE - Religious Education

Subject Leader - Mr Shannon

Religious Education is a valued part of the curriculum at Forefield Junior School – it encourages children to develop a sensitivity and respect for the diverse cultural, moral and spiritual beliefs of others around them.

Through varied and engaging lessons, children are encouraged to make connections between the differing aspects of religions and consider the different forms of religious expression. As a result, Religious Education plays an essential part in preparing our children for living and working side by side with others in the modern world. It helps pupils to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as the identity of their Religious backgrounds.

Such understanding comes from the study of regular religious routines, scripture, beliefs, emotions, actions and artefacts. This provides children with the opportunity to appreciate the uniqueness of belief, develops a culture of respect for others and provides children with the opportunity to consider other ways of life in context with their own and ask thoughtful questions based on their own experiences - skills that are essential in adult life.

We have designed our curriculum to help pupils gain ‘hands-on’ experiences - immersing children in different religious cultures through handling artefacts, welcoming visitors from other faiths into school and visiting places of worship.

Religious Education Curriculum


Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Year 3

What do different people believe about God?

How do family life and festivals show what matters to Jewish people?

Why do people pray?

Why is the Bible so important to Christians today? What does it mean to be a Christian in Britain today? (Part 1) What can we learn from religions about deciding what is right and wrong?
(Links to religions studied this year.)

Year 4

What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today?

What does it mean to be a Christian in Britain today? (Part 2)

What can we learn from religions about deciding what is right and wrong?

How do people from religious and non-religious communities celebrate key festivals? Why is Jesus inspiring to some people? Why do some people think that life is like a journey and what significant experiences mark this?

Year 5

Why do some people think God exists?
(Recapping religions already covered.)
What matters most to Christians and Humanists? If God is everywhere, why go to a place of worship?
What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today? (Part 1) What would Jesus do? Can we live by the values of Jesus in the 21st century? Green religion - How and why should religious communities do more to care for the Earth?

Year 6

What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today? (Part 2) Is it better to express your beliefs in arts and architecture or in charity and generosity? Exploration of themes - Open ended investigations bringing together all learning for the year
What can be done to reduce racism? Can religion help? What do religions say to us when life gets hard?

RE Documents

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