Year 6 SATs Week: 9th - 12th May 2023

Following the Bank Holiday Monday on 8th May, pupils in Year 6 will be sitting their End of Key Stage 2 Tests (SATs). The tests will take place on the following days;

Date Test
Tuesday 9th May Grammar & Punctuation Test - 45 minutes
Spelling Test - 20 minutes
Wednesday 10th May English Reading Test - 60 minutes
Thursday 11th May Mathematics: Arithmetic (Paper 1) - 30 minutes
Mathematics: Reasoning (Paper 2) - 40 minutes
Friday 12th May Mathematics: Reasoning (Paper 3) - 40 minutes

SATs Café

To support the children and ensure a calm start to each morning we will be offering ‘SATs CAFÉ’ in the Dance Studio from 8:30am. Year 6 pupils are therefore invited to arrive a little earlier and we will be serving toast and milk. In previous years, it has proved to be a more relaxed way to start the day. Our records have already identified any pupils with food allergies or intolerances, but please contact school if any of that information has changed.

For Years 3, 4 and 5, doors will open at the usual time of 8:45am. Any child in Year 6 who does not wish to attend the café should arrive at 8:45am, too.